Saturday, June 12, 2010

From Al Gore

Dear Dee,

Yesterday, thanks to your hard work, the U.S. Senate did the right thing -- voting with the climate science and against a resolution that would have stripped the Clean Air Act's protections against climate pollution.

The Senate is to be commended for defeating Senator Lisa Murkowski's disastrously misguided proposal. But the truth is, in the face of the worst environmental disaster in our nation's history, Senator Murkowski's resolution never should have even reached the Senate floor.

The fact that we had to work to defeat this legislation is a testament to the continued strength of the fossil fuel lobby. But the fact that we did defeat it gives us fresh momentum for the months ahead, as our nation confronts the costs of our dependence on fossil fuels more directly than ever.

This summer, we can and must set our nation on the path of independence from oil and other dirty energy.

Will you donate to support Repower America's campaign to pass comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation this summer?

We must confront the growing plumes of oil now consuming the Gulf Coast and soon to affect much of the Eastern Seaboard. We must pass comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation -- our best hope of staving off the catastrophic climate change that will dwarf the Deepwater Oil Disaster in scope and devastation. And we must accomplish all this despite the millions of dollars that big oil will spend to defeat us.

Yesterday's vote shows that when we work together, we can defeat these forces. Over the last two years, over 250,000 of us have taken action to protect the Clean Air Act, including:
  • Submitting over 180,000 comments to the administration urging the EPA to enforce the Clean Air Act's limits on greenhouse gases,
  • Making over 30,000 phone calls opposing Senator Murkowski's proposal and
  • Writing over 7,200 letters to the editor.
This summer, it's time to take exactly the same tenacity and commitment we have shown on these attacks on the Clean Air Act and win the biggest prize of all: comprehensive climate and clean energy legislation that transitions our economy to clean energy.

Donate now to support our campaign to Repower America:

We've won an important battle. Now, it's time to win the war.

Al Gore
The Climate Protection Action Fund

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