News from Tribe of Heart, Producers of PEACEABLE KINGDOM: THE JOURNEY HOME and THE WITNESS
Giving Thanks to Visionaries
of Previous Generations
In this inspiring presentation, filmmaker James LaVeck explains how the work of historical social justice artist Harriet Beecher Stowe influenced the making of Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home
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Dear friends, Thanksgiving can be a bittersweet holiday for those of us who view our fellow animals as friends, not food. While there is much to be grateful for, and while it is nourishing to be in the company of our closest friends and family, it is also painful knowing that in most American households, this week's festivities will feature the lifeless body of a turkey as the centerpiece of the celebration. But how do we get from where we are now to a future in which all living beings are valued and protected? We asked ourselves this question many times while working on Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home, especially when we felt overwhelmed by the sheer scale of the injustice we were seeking to expose. Our goal was to create a film that would go beyond changing attitudes and be capable of fostering a true paradigm shift. To this end, we sought insight and inspiration from many sources, including the liberation movements of the past. Few people today realize that during the era Uncle Tom’s Cabin was written, most educators and moral leaders did not publicly challenge the institution of slavery. If slavery was addressed at all in a Sunday sermon, for example, the focus tended to be on the need to practice it in as "Christian” a manner as possible. The idea of abolishing slavery was considered radical, unrealistic, divisive, and even dangerous. The fact is, at that time, the number of people openly advocating for abolition was relatively small, and those brave visionaries who spoke out were often publicly shunned, even while many privately agreed with their sentiments. And how was it done? First, taking their lead from the successful English antislavery movement, American activists relentlessly documented and exposed the horrific violence and injustice, awakening the conscience of millions. Then, educators and artists like Harriet Beecher Stowe used the power of storytelling to invite people from all walks of life to more deeply consider the emotional experience of enslaved individuals, how they suffered when their families were torn apart, how their fates were thrown to the wind based on their value as "property," how they were mercilessly abused and even killed at the whims of their "owners." With Uncle Tom’s Cabin, Stowe put the moral problems of slavery into the form of a story anyone could relate to, making it the subject of public debate and dinner-table discussion across the world. At the same time, Frederick Douglass, a charismatic orator who had escaped enslavement, stunned audiences in both the US and Europe with his evident brilliance, obliterating generations of ignorance and pre-conceived notions. Notably, Douglass's message of justice was all-inclusive, extending to women, Native Americans, recent immigrants, and any other population struggling against oppression and discrimination. Overcoming deeply-entrenched prejudices is a core element of transforming a socially-accepted injustice. But as Stowe, Douglass, and others have taught us, advocating for justice is not only about exposing what is wrong. It is equally about exploring who we might become, the knowledge we might gain, the joy we might know, if things were right. It is about what we might create when our hearts and minds are freed from the shackles of prejudice, which rob us all of our true potential. Your friends, James LaVeck and Jenny Stein Filmmakers and co-founders of Tribe of Heart
Dr. Don Radio Show highlights Peaceable Kingdom film
In this lively, wide-ranging, 40-minute
interview with Dr. Don, filmmakers James LaVeck and Jenny Stein discuss a number of topics in depth, including:
Five ways you can put
your compassion into action!
1. View or share Tribe of Heart films with friends, family members, and co-workers
2. Post about our films on blogs, discussion boards, and email lists 3. Donate our DVDs to those who can put the film to good use 4. Host a screening in your community 5. Make a financial contribution or volunteer your professional skills If you have specialized knowledge and expertise you'd like to offer in film distribution, fundraising, language translation, event planning, social media, or other areas that will help us propagate our films and educational projects, we'd love to hear from you. Please contact us.
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Peaceable Kingdom now on iTunes in 5 languages
We hope these special offers will make it easier for you to share our
films during the holiday season. These deals will be in place through Dec. 31, 2013.
Transformation in Tucson
For those who wonder what motivates us to spend years of our lives
bringing the message of our films to audience after audience, our
experience with the Tucson premiere of Peaceable Kingdom: The Journey Home provides an answer.
The variety of insights is inspiring, as is the fact that out of hundreds of comments collected, the majority of them expressed gratitude for the viewing experience. No matter where someone was in their journey, the film seemed to inspire them to go further. Meat eaters spoke of giving up meat, vegetarians spoke of becoming vegan, and vegans spoke of wanting to become more active and involved in making change happen. We see this a great deal from our audiences, which is ultimately a very hopeful sign. For those of us involved in making and distributing Tribe of Heart films, and for our grassroots partners who bring them to their communities, the words of individual audience members leave no doubt that our efforts together are worthwhile, and that the human capacity for moral awakening is so much greater than most of us realize.
Tucson Audience Comments
It was a very compassionate and wonderful portrait of the side of the
animals that need our protection. I am sad to say that I had become
unsensitized to what it meant to eat animals – that only certain animals
were the ones to be
loved. Tomorrow I go vegan. My optimum goal: to see how I can be an advocate for all animals.“Those who think they are crazy enough to change the world, are the ones that do.” This story has inspired me to help change the world, even in the smallest way. I will help. Thank you. This was a beautiful film about not only the human spirit but also the raw truth of how off track we have gone. It was the hardest “foody” movie I have seen... But it is necessary for us to see the truth of what is going on behind the scenes. Thank you for opening our eyes. Beautifully presented and enlightening. I have to rethink my eating – can’t have it both ways. Thank you for making it impossible for me to justify my lifestyle. So glad I had the opportunity to see the film, and I can say with certainty that it has changed me. I thought it was a beautiful production. It has given me a new perspective. I will start looking into my lifestyle to try and make changes. Amazing! What an eye opener! Really makes me want to rethink my decisions. I’ve been a vegetarian for 27 years but haven’t made the final step to veganism. I think after seeing your film I will be able to do that. Such an emotional film – very sad/very happy. Every meat eater should have to view it. Thought provoking. I will be eating less meat. Great presentation – I am a new convert! It scared the daylights out of me! But… it was very very touching and I will never eat meat again. I love cows, goats, sheep, pigs and chickens. I have 4 bunnies and 6 chickens. I’m 11, in 6th grade. Edited very sensitively, and got the message across without sensationalizing it. Well done! Also, I went to veterinary school in Scotland, which is a very agricultural nation, and so much of my coursework revolved around farm animals and their treatments, including working for a week in an abattoir. I feel your depiction of farmers in this film was not aggressive… Very compassionate film without being “preachy.” Food for thought. Thank you very much! This film has convinced me that eating flesh is cruel. I’ve given up beef and pork for 3-1/2 years now – as of tonight, I vow to stop eating any other flesh. Animals are beautiful! Thank you so much! Beautiful film. Loved seeing people who listened to their hearts whatever the cost. I’m actually struggling emotionally to write well so let me thank you. This has changed me for the better. I am a meat eater but now I will reassess my needs for meat. Thank you for showing a well rounded view... It is the “time of no secrets.” Thanks for making this film. Although I have seen Food, Inc., etc., so far I can’t seem to stop eating all meat. Gave up lamb, pork and veal long ago, but still eat chicken. Guess I’ll have to look up vegan diets and stop eating ALL meat. Hope you continue to take this awareness to everyone. The entire universe should view this film – this should be put out in schools and humane societies. Very powerful film. Gave me pause about eating another egg. Thank you so much. This was a great movie. This movie made me realize that animals are part of my community and that everybody should treat animals much better. Amazing. I want everyone I know to see this. I’m already personally a vegan, but you’ve inspired me to do much more. This movie is a game changer! I’m going from veggie to vegan. Thank you so much for being so brave! Most of these issues are often at the edge of my consciousness, but it’s films like yours that can bring it to the front. A few years ago after watching “Forks Over Knives” I changed my diet, and I think I might change again now. These issues are really difficult, but it’s also really difficult when so many people willfully ignore them because it’s more convenient. Thanks for the showing, it takes time and many wake up calls to change individuals and society, so thank you for persevering I have been slowly moving closer to eating meat after decades not eating it. I will stop at this point and return to full vegetarian with joy. Thank you! The best film I’ve ever seen. I have been aware of animal cruelty – I am vegetarian and moving towards being vegan. Your film inspired me to follow my core principles and truly become vegan. This is an incredibly important film. Thank you for being part of the solution towards peace. I was happy to watch this movie. It’s good to expose what happens. Most people don’t know what happens. More movies need to be like this. Although I eat meat, this will make me think twice. Thank you. I liked and resonated with the message of kindness, compassion, mercy, friendship and joy and unconditional love as the journey to life – at least a life well-lived. As a fourth generation farm kid, this film showed me that my picture of the way animals are cared for is not accurate now. Way different. Loved it for the heartfelt respect for the individual animals, the people, the photography, the music, the message… Great work! I will never be able to view chicken, beef or lamb unconsciously again. Thank you for enlightening me. I feel strongly about not eating animals but not strong enough so I guess I needed to see this… It was very good – well done. This film totally created a new awareness about a subject that most people know nothing about. The film was very professionally created and extremely informative. Loved the folks who gave testimony in the film. I found the film uplifting… The talk about unconditional love was the focal point for me. Thank you for opening my eyes to something that touched me deeply. |
or mailed to Tribe of Heart, PO Box 149, Ithaca, NY 14851