Sunday, February 6, 2011


"Be the change you want to see in the world"


tattytiara said...

Great portrait.

Stickup Artist said...

Oh Dee, what a great drawing. You really captured the essence of Gandhi. We always ask ourselves, "What can I do to make a difference?" This is the answer. We have the power within ourselves to make the world a better place.

mythopolis said...

Nice work, Dee. People complain and want change, and yet, can be so complacent or passive. Most don't even bother to vote! Even worse, we have had this 'bad habit' of assassinating anyone who stirs things up too much. "The nail that lifts it's head, gets hammered down!" How sad!

Shrinky said...

Did you actually draw this? What a beautiful portrait, you've captured (what I imagine) his compassion and humour beautifully.